Monday, August 9, 2010

Kyle's first day of School

Kyle started his first day of school two weeks ago. He was super nervous. He was so nervous because he was going into this not knowing ANYTHING! He doesn't know anything about electricity, he doesn't know about climbing poles, and he hasn't been in school since high school. As nervous as he was, he was just plain excited to start his new career. He looks so much like a little boy here.

These are his boots he has to wear when he climbs poles. They come up almost to his knees and are so heavy. They made him have huge blisters but he thinks he has broke them in now.

He had to buy all of these tools, and the bag of equipment he brought home was huge. I couldn't even lift it. All of his equipment he wears is around fifty pounds. I can't believe he is going to climb a pole with all of this stuff.

I am so thankful for Kyle and his willingness to start something brand new. To take an opportunity and just run with it. He is such a good husband. I am so glad that he is loving school. It is crazy how much he has learned in just these two weeks.


  1. Man, he looks hot and I don't mean the temperature. He reminds me of one of the guys from Village People in his whole attire. He looks about 12 in the top picture though. Great job Kyle to go out of your comfort zone to something that you know nothing about...and just going for it. Way to go.

  2. I won't lie....I'm a little nervous all those tools will make him fall off that pole! He's not exactly a heavy weight. :) Good job, Kyle. going back to school is never easy and especially one where it's not like there's any review of anything. And you do look like a little boy in that first picture.

  3. I'm offended that I wasn't notified that you guys have a blog but I will get over it soon. Kyle, you look pretty sexy in that hard hat :) Glad you guys are doing a blog.

  4. By the way, this is Mikila

  5. I want that tool belt. I would get it out and put it on even if I had the smallest thing to do, like hang a picture. I bet when you guys have kids they will be obsessed with that thing. Great job Kyle.
